Saturday, April 23, 2016

Harley Quinn Fanfiction (currently unfinished, rated M)

I can't help myself. Maybe it's a complex or obsession, but at this point I'm too deep in to care. I saw him on the news, and now...
The Joker. He's all I can think about.
He's disheveled, his fluorescent green hair falls into curls around his shoulder's while his eyes observe his environment intensely. He's carrying an auto-matic rifle in one hand and a duffel bag in the other. His face is masked with white, red and black; the face we'd all seen on the news. No one feels safe anymore.
But I think he's just pushing everyone. Everyone's jealous, because wouldn't that just be the ideal, all you do is get to be a modern day Dillinger? He seems 'free' in some ridiculous way, and I envied that. There was more than his striking appearance to intrigue the imagination, it made you wonder exactly had happened to him to make him this way. What drove him to that point?
Why is this man so damaged?

There's been a girl, she killed a cop and wrote you a message with his blood on the walls.”

Mr. J,
I'm looking for you.

The photo dawned the proof.
What does this HQ look like?”
We have a photo, but her back is to the security camera. She's blonde, barely tall enough to ride the big roller coasters. We overheard that she pretended to be mugged, and after he let her in, she attacked him with a bat and carved a heart into his chest. I guess she has a crush.”
How cute.”

A long black coat sits on the ground near the door, leads me to believe I have a guest. I don't have to search hard to find them.
There's a blond girl wearing lingerie, a small school girl skirt that barely covers her underwear accompanied by a tight leather bustier accenting her voluptuous cleavage by perking it up. Her outfit reveals a tight and lean torso. She was small and lithe, with her petite stature and lush pigtails pulled up high on her head she gave the appearance of a high-school girl at the oldest; I gave the gesture a smile, how could I not? This must be Harley Quinn, she definitely fit the height requirement.
My name's Harley Quinn.” She tells me quietly, almost passively. “I'm sure you've heard of me.” A smile passes over her lips.
How'd you get in here?”
She sprawls out on the bed, revealing more of her curves. I comes towards her, fast and intimidating. Her demeanor doesn't change, she remains playful and twirls her hair around her pinky.
A girl's gotta have her secrets.” She smirks. I lean over her swiftly and I bring my hand to grasp nearly all-around her throat.
You'd better tell me girl, because some games aren't worth playing.”
Don't be ridiculous, Mr. J.” Her pulse beats under my fingertips especially as I tighten my grip. “I like it rough.” Her pale cheeks grow red under my grasp.
You're a silly girl, to come here and say something like that,” I lean in and whisper in her ear, “to someone like me.” I reach into my coat pocket with my free hand. I let go of her throat and reach for her hands. I bring the handcuffs that I'd had in my pocket to her wrists, “But you know that, don't you? So that must make you...” I smiled warmly, “A lunatic?” I drag her across the bed with no protest, and easily cuff her to the metal bedpost. She watches me intensely, and I wonder if she's freighted. I put my weight on her, and press her down. I feel the softness of her breasts beneath me, and bring my face to hers. Between her short quick breaths I feel her heart beat quicken. “Are you scared yet?”
Harley is silent as her flushed cheeks inch closer, she brings the cuffs to a clink above her and she's pressed her lips to mine before I can react. She licks my lips slowly, and her tongue begins to trace the scar on the right side of my cheek. I jerk back, and straddle her hips. For a small moment- I had no idea what to do.
That Cheshire cat grin is sprawled on her face, “Nah, I ain't scared Mr. J.” She wets her bottom lip slowly, giving me a glimpse of her tongue ring.
I smile briefly, and then slowly get off of her and walk into the bathroom. I take my time, wash my face, and take off my suit jacket and take off my tie. I leave it on the counter and look at my reflection for a moment. I fight what I want to do. After I decide, I run my fingers though my hair, and tuck it behind my ears. The bags under my eyes are still stained black from the make-up, and for a moment I don't recognize myself; I have to take a moment to bring myself back to reality.
I reluctantly turn and exit the room leaving the light on behind me. Harley's where I left her, her dark eyes glittering in the dim lighting and watching me with a slight tenseness in her muscles. I approach and watch the expression on her face as I come closer.
Can you see me?” I ask her in a husky whisper. She nods as I come closer, but her expression doesn't change, her cheeks only flush a little brighter. “Then get a good look while you can.” I go back to the counter and retrieve the tie, and I walk over to the bed. I lift her head and wrap the tie around her eyes and tie it in a tight knot at the back of her head. After I do this, I take a moment to look at her.
You dressed like this for a reason?” I place my hand against her cheek and caress it while she nods slowly. “To tease me?” I ask, my fingers touching her hair now. I tug on her pigtail's and she gives a slight yelp underneath me. I smirk, and pull them again, straining her neck back. I lean into her body, and let go of her hair; I run my hands down her waist and feel her shiver against me.
Tell me how you got in here.”
I snuck through the window when you're goons weren't looking.” She whispers. “I'm pretty agile.” She smiles. I reach up and grip her left pigtail tightly I tug on it.
What are you planning on me doing, punishing you?” I taunt, a smile gripping my lips.
And now you're right where you want to be, right?” I jerk her entire head to the left. I watch her wince. “Well I hope you thought this through sweetheart, because I don't do safe words.” Her brows furrow in discomfort as I keep my grip tight, and continue to jerk periodically until her hair bow is loose and coming out. She remains silent as I torment her leisurely. I start to lose my interest.
Harley was it?” I ask her, letting her hair fall through my fingers. “Why do you want to be here, huh? You wanted my attention, so now you've got it.”
She's silent, her head slowly moving back to the center of the mattress.
I want to help you.”
Help me do what exactly?”
Anything you want Mr. J.” She nods while she speaks, her wrists adjusting in the cuffs. “Anything.”
That's sweet Harley, but when jail bait like you comes around knocking at my door it makes me a little suspicious. How do I know you're not working for someone?”
Ask me anything, do anything you want to me if that will prove it.” She seems so emphatic. “You can cuff me as long as you need until you're sure I'm not dangerous, or even tie me up with rope; I don't mind.” Her smile returns. I feel like shaking this silly girl up.
Even if I want to rough you up, even if I want to fuck you Harley?” My voice is louder now, threatening while my hands have found her shoulder's and are pushing her into the mattress. She only nods in response, biting her lip. “What happens when I flip you over, and fuck you in your ass until you bleed? You're not going to beg me to stop when I bite you, or when I start to choke you?” I taunt her, I run my hands up her thighs, and dig my nails in deep enough that she hisses under her breath. I let go of her and push her to the side so that I can get off of the bed. I hear her gasping quickly as I get up.
I go to a duffel bag in the corner of the room by the bathroom, and I dig until I find duck tape. I lurch over to her side of the bed, and kneel beside her while grasping her head in my free hand I take my tie from her brow. She opens her eyes slowly, and the look in them could only be anticipation.
I think I could trust you then Harley-girl, what do you say?” I lean in and I lick her lips open with my tongue, before she can react I pull away I set the tape beside her on the bed. I rest my hand on her cheek, then lightly tap her before bringing my arm back in a sweeping gesture, I bring my open palm down to slap her, but I end up not hitting her as hard as I thought I was going to. Her cheek's red now, and her face contorting in discomfort. I'd hit her hard enough though. “Last chance.” I lean in again and whisper, my voice hoarse. I rest my cheek against hers and watch her expression as I pick up the tape again. I hadn't thought she'd let me get this far before saying something to me. It was turning out to be a surprising night already.
Anything you want to say before I tape your mouth shut so you can't scream?” I ask her, opening my mouth and licking the side of her face in a long motion. I pull back as she looks at me.
Like I said Mr. J, I like it rough.” As she says it she leans in and tries to kiss me on the mouth. I hold her jaw in my hand and press her face to mine.
Harley I don't know how long it will take, but I'm going to make you cry and when I finally do,” I whisper darkly, “I'm going to fuck you even harder.” I grab the tape and cover her mouth quickly, wrapping it around her neck several times. When I'm sure she can't make a sound I stop, and brush her hair away from her eyes. “Call me crazy, but I think you're the type of girl who likes to watch herself get raped. Since your so eager to be violated I expect it won't be a problem.” I get up on the bed, setting the tape down on the dresser.
Her dark blue eyes are glittering in the dark hesitantly as she watches me come closer. I get on top of her, all of this fore-play has be pretty worked up already I had to admit. I start to untie her corset, and I'm surprised to see she's naked beneath it. I look up at her and tsk, “I'm starting to think you were planning this Harley,” I lean in against her, and bite down just above her breast. I hear a strained cry from behind the duck tape. It's not a cry of pain though.
I feel dizzy for a moment my hands are moving without me meaning them to. When I come to, my fly is down and I've pulled her skirt down to her ankles in a blind daze. Harley is watching me intently, her chest rising and falling with fast pace. I'm holding my almost fully erect penis while pulling her panties to the side. The tip of me is already penetrating her before I can think twice. I adjust her hips roughly and begin to slide the shaft down into her wetness. I smile at the feeling, and hold her legs apart. She's trembling beneath me know, her arms tense above her.
Isn't this what you wanted?” I ask her, “Because it feels like what you want.” I slide in and out of her easily, and I feel her move for the first time, jingling the cuffs above her. Her body gives in against mine and she's grinding against me in time with my thrusts. I jerk away from her, leaving her helpless wanting more. I slide myself lower, against her ass. I feel her jerk against me, knocking the cuffs around again. I spread her cheeks apart and slowly insert myself, making her stiffen underneath me.
Everything blurs again, and the next thing I hear is muffled sobbing. I find myself fully inserted into her, as I pull out she shakes against me. I almost don't continue, but I do, thrusting several more times until I can't go any deeper into her. She's gripping the metal posts, holding on for dear life; I slide out of her again, and her body slowly eases away from mine. She has her face turned away from me, still choking back gasps. I lean forward and bring our faces to touch.
Are you crying Harley? Already?” I watch two tears fall down her cheek and onto my hand. She isn't afraid but more tears are swelling in her eyes. Harley doesn't recoil at my touch. She shakes her head, closing her eyes and breathing heavily through her nose. “Look at me.” I order, and she complies, determination filling her eyes despite her still obvious suffering.
My head begins to hurt, my vision blurs again. I have to remember what I'm doing and concentrate on it. I look her in the eyes before drawing away from her. I raise my hand to her throat and grip down.
If you tell anyone anything about me, I'll kill you. Do you understand?” She nods slowly, seeming confused and fighting to breathe. I pull my hand away from her throat, and reach for the tape covering her mouth, I unwrap it and Harley exhales sharply when I throw the tape to the side. I get off of the bed, and I go back to the duffel bag. I search only for a moment and pull out a pill bottle. I swallow two vicodin, and grab an extra. After that I pull a pistol with a silencer out and tuck it in my waist band. I make my way over to the bed and find the blonde still silent and tense. I take the pill and hold it in front of her mouth.
She stares at me and down at my pistol, and shyly opens her mouth. I push the tablet in and I watch her swallow it. It's the most feeble attempt at empathy, I think to myself, but it's something. I wait a minute and she finally speaks.
What was that?” She asks me quiet and almost in a whimper.
Something for the pain.” I point to my head, not expecting her to understand; she nods none the less both thankful and slightly edgy.
I lick my lips and pull out the gun I flaunt it in front of her for a moment. After I check to see if she has the pill down, I kneel on the bed and hold the pistol to her head. “Would you trust me if I said this gun wasn't loaded?”
She looks from me to the gun, and opens her mouth.
Yes.” Unflinching. Solid. Trust.
I hold the gun up to my head, and smile as I pull the trigger. Her reaction isn't what I expected.
For a solid moment Harley's eyes widened with fear as she jumped forward jerking her cuffs, and her lips parted to shout. When no bullet was fired, she looked at me in relief. There was someone in the world who would mourn me, and the look of stress in her eyes was apparent.
Harley, when I die... people will come to make sure that I stay dead.” I pull the pistol away from my head and it dangles in my hand for a long time.
Not me. Besides I won't let that happen Mr. J. If someone wants you dead, they'll have to unload a clip in my brain first.” She's starring me down, “Is your head ok?”
I stare at her in bewilderment. Does she really expect me to take her seriously?
I don't know, how's your ass?” I replied sarcastically. She smiles though, her cheeks redden slightly except for the hand-print I'd left on her cheek it seemed to glow white against her already pale skin. Harley doesn't say anything, only looks away from me. I tuck the gun back into my waist band, and take a moment to watch her. I open the dresser drawer and take out the keys to the handcuffs. I free her and return the keys to the dresser along with the cuffs.
She rubs her wrists lightly, and begins to pull her skirt back up. After she does, she comes to the edge of the bed.
I'm fine.” She purrs, coming closer to me. The bite mark above her left breast is prominent, red and flushed with blood under the skin still surfacing. It's going to leave a bruise for sure. I lean in on instinct and press my mouth to the wound and lick it clean, I feel her heart beat against my cheek and as I look up shes wrapping her arms around my neck with her fingers slowly running through my hair. I reach up to take her hands away but I stop, and put them on her waist. I remember vaguely forcing myself into her; having to push hard, and feeling her sob against the pillow. It's more vivid now and most definitely more violent than I remembered.
She leans in against me, and kisses me hard. Her hands slipping down my back and to my hips. She brushes the gun and I start to feel edgy, but she doesn't take it or even try to. She kisses the corners of my mouth, and presses her bare chest against mine. I find myself pulling her hair again, dragging her back so that I could reach her throat. I nibble her ear and then bite down just below it, she grasps at me tightly as I bit harder, I suck hard and almost gnaw her skin. Harley pulls away as I let go and she bites down on my lip playfully.
What did you give me, Mr. J?” She's holding on tightly now like she needs to not to fall over. Harley smiles and bites my lip again, I hold her still and she stares at me dreamily. She must've had an empty stomach to be so easily bewildered.
Don't worry about it, just lay down for a minute.” I set her down on the mattress gently, pulling my gun out of my waistband and laid it on the dresser. I put one knee up on the bed and Harley is already curling around my leg. My vision gets fuzzy, I feel Harley pull me down with her on the bed. There are flashes, I see her face, then feel her climb on top of me. Harley unbuttons my pants, and unzips my fly. I feel her mouth around me, I feel myself thrust into her unthinkingly; she doesn't gag though at the sudden insertion she only swallowed deeper.
I feel the vicodin kick in, and I pull her by her hair and shove her mouth all the way down. I feel her jerk back, finally choking on me. Harley recoils, coughing. I grab her and bring her against me while shes still coughing and I pull down her skirt and underwear and I pull her back on top of me.
Come on Harley, don't be shy.” I urge her while she hoist herself up above me, and slowly slides down onto me. She leans in above me and starts to ride me, slowly at first and then shes bouncing up and down on me, and it feels too good. I hold her hips down and force my dick all the way into her. One hand gropes her ass cheek, and another grasps her pigtail. I bring her against me, and slowly fuck her and pull her hair hard.
I grind against Harley and she exhales gasping sighs against my ear, I bite down on her shoulder making her grunt in shock. I keep my pace up and gnaw harder until I realize I'm about to come.
Mr. J,” I flip her over before she can say anything further, and pull all the way out of her pussy. This time slowly inserting my cock back into her now easily assessable asshole. This time she's not sobbing, but almost screaming; I put my hand up to cover her mouth, and let loose, thrusting as hard and as fast as I can. Her shouts reverberate against my hand and the sound of her muffled screaming leaves me teeming with satisfaction.
I come inside of her ass.
I let go of her mouth and shes gasping for breath against me, panting as I pull myself out of her. She
You got what you wanted, didn't you Harley?” I ask her darkly, “Now what?” I hold her face in my hands I find myself shaking her, “You've seduced me, and now you wait to do what? Kill me?”
You've got trust issues Mr. J, but that's ok.” Harley smiles, her tone makes my grip loosen and she pecks me on the cheek. “I'm gonna go freshen up.” She hops off of the bed and out of my grasp, grabbing her corset before closing the bathroom door behind her leaving me alone and confused. More so than I've been in a very long time. At least that I can remember. I barely have my pants pulled back up before I'm off of the bed. I move and pick up my gun, and focus long enough to actually put two rounds in it.
I get up from my duffel bag and move to the bathroom door and listen against it. I hear her running water. I wait awhile until finally the water turns off and the door opens against me.
Harley doesn't seemed surprised to find me there. In the light of the bathroom she can see my face clearly; I lurch above her like a monster in the darkness of the bedroom, but she extends her hands to my face. Her eyes go over my lips and cheeks with great attention while she runs her thumb over the scars. I give in and let her, hanging limply in the doorway.
Tell me about your scars Harley, yours aren't where I can see them.” I move finally and press her against the counter. In the fluorescent light I can see a clear impression of my bite-marks marring her otherwise porcelain skin along with the red welt on her cheek. My mind stutters for a moment. “Although you might have some now.”
Other than some daddy issues and a slight case of masochism?” She smiles, her lipstick is smeared from me smothering her face in the pillow earlier, and the kissing. “Okay maybe a severe case of masochism.” She laughs at her own statement, and wraps her arms around my body in a jarring manner, nearly knocking me off of my feet. I hold her though, and lift her up to the counter as she wraps her legs around my waist. “Can I have another pill Mr. J? You kinda messed me up back there.” She tilts her head, adjusting her pigtail as she talks.
You might pass out, but sure. Why not?” I shrug, she takes her legs from around my waist allowing me more space to move.
If I do pass out, have some fun for me.” She giggles. As I move out of the bathroom she follows me, and stumbles if not giddily to the bed. I fetch two more pills, one for me and one for her; and make my way to the bed as well. She stares dreamily upwards as I approach.
I have a question Mr. J.” Harley-girl is looking at me as if she's hungry. “How soon can you go again?” Her grin contorts her face, almost devilishly. Never had I met such a disregard for someone's own well-being.

I may be insane, but I'm not a machine Harley.” I smile at her. “But we'll see about that. Here.” She sticks out her tongue as I place the pill on it. She swallows it absently as I swallow mine.