Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Souls

We live, as people of all sorts, then we die in all manner of ways, and then our souls leave us; and so the soul travels. Through the air, up through space, past the stars, planets, and other beings. The soul travels such a long way, it cannot be measured. It passes through other parallels and universes, but never becomes distorted. You would think that the soul would become light, or find a body, but truthfully, the soul travels onwards, forever searching. There are no all knowing beings to guide or damn our souls, they just float, and float on. Peace is something that cannot be known to the soul, bodily or by any other means. Our souls are everlasting, and ever wanting things. If we could have found peace by our body or soul alone, we would have found it long before now.
The souls don't remember anything of their lives, only vague, vague thoughts they cannot decipher; but there are some souls that seem to know where they are going, and stop occasionally. Once they realize that nothing will happen though, they keep going. Sometimes, souls get sad, and stop floating. It doesn't matter how old or young the soul, they all stop sometimes. Still, nothing happens, and they are forced to go on, but to what? This is the final frontier, the blackness, limbo, and no more death awaits. Only time and space are ahead. There is enough room in the ever looming universe for all the souls that any planet could generate, and so it goes on.
Sometimes the young souls get feisty, they play and twitter about happily, joyfully, enjoying the small companionship of other souls. It is impossible for souls to physically play with or harm each other because they lack bodies, and so there is no reason or want to fight each other, but there is no way to hold hands or hug. It is good that wars do not exist, but nor can love. Souls want very earnestly to find something, anything; an answer, more questions, a way. If any souls have found anything, no other souls would know about it, else they would have all been gone by now. The souls want, and grow impatient. The souls want, find naught and still they want.

Then, something strange happens...”

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